The natural beauty of Rhodes alongside its magnificent Old Town and other historical monuments have always appealed to film makers. It is no surprise, therefore, that many Greek and foreign film productions, including some of Hollywood’s finest were shot in Rhodes.
We always like to watch films with our destination as a background. For all those planning to visit Rhodes, we highly recommend that they get to view some of these films and gain a taste of the unique beauty of the island. But even all those visitors who have come to Rhodes before and have adored the island, let these films be a chance for them to recall all the remarkable places they have been to. It’s both exciting and fun to watch a film and be able to recognize the places it was shot in.
We just hope this list will get even longer within time and that more films and box-office hits will be shot on our extraordinary island of Rhodes. Just sit back and enjoy them!
Although Rhodes is a relatively small island (the fourth in Greece), its location between East and West, close to Asia Minor, made Rhodes a crossroads of cultures and continents, and of course, through the centuries became an island rich in history. Bellow are some famous books about Rhodes, which can help the reader to get a clean and thorough overview of the historical and political situations in Rhodes through the centuries.