The hill took its name from the British admiral Sir William Sidney Smith who had his observation post here in 1802 to keep an eye on the movements of Napoleon’s fleet during his war with the Turks. Only a mile and a half from the city of Rhodes, it is the site of an ancient stadium and theatre.
Just south of the top of the hill are a group of important ancient monuments. In a natural hollow lies the Stadium, a work most probably of the 2nd century B. C. which has in large part been rebuilt. It is 200 m. long and 35 m. wide. Here well-known Greek and foreign groups give concerts during the summer. Next to the Stadium is a small Theater whose reconstruction in white marble was made possible by the few remaining ancient ruins. It has been conjectured it was used for the classes of the famed School of Rhetoric rather than for theatrical performances. A bit further up, the area is commanded by the large Temple of Pythian Apollo. From the few remains a corner of the temple was reconstructed. The three above buildings along with the fabulous Gymnasium constituted one ofthe man focuses of artistic life on ancient Rhodes.